4 June 2003 Thebram.com is finally back up. Just in time to celebrate the victory in Iraq.
DEATHS: GW seemed happy with the outcome of the war. Some say that mearly 5,000 Iraqis were killed during the war, others say as many as 10,000. The Pentagon is not going to release any numbers but I'm sure GW hopes for the highest, more oil for him and bin Laden. Over 200 of our own were killed and still being killed trying to keep the peace in Iraq.
THE GOAL: No dead Sadaam, no weapons of mass destruction, just a new country that we can help heal and let the citizens benefit greatly from working for our corporations. Damn, GW, you're the man.
DON'T FORGET There are still over 600 people being held in Guantanamo, education in America is going down the tubes (but atleast no one is left behind while going down the tubes), theres that bin Laden dude still out there (probably chillin' with Saddam), tax cuts for the rich will only add to GW's famous smirk.